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Victoria’s secrets, what about mine?



Underwear- now there's a thought to provoke the senses.

I had a wee think over my morning latte and toast about what I like to sleep in at night, i.e. what I wear for a sexy tete-a-tete versus what I sleep in at home. 

Thanks to my sorrowful two days in bed, you are now privy to the fact that when I want to slob, I don a nightie that has seen more years than a donkey! (I may be elite, but I'm also an ordinary girl with an everyday nightwear drawer.) And then you have the day-to-day stuff I wear when shopping and meeting friends. I prefer quality, but it has fewer frills and lace than my seductive selection. I don't compromise on labels but like to be comfortable. In an ideal world, the twain shall never meet, but there have been the occasional cross-overs where I haven't been wearing the right smalls to the client's "tastes".

So what is an English escort to do in such an emergency? She could go commando (while all things point north, we shall take advantage) and thrill her fellow. While this is all very good in summer or if the date is at a hotel, the same cannot be applied to the chillier months or a whole day out in London. There is chafing to think about! The answer, dear reader, is to whisper in your gentleman's ear: "I have a small wardrobe problem... I'm afraid I don't have a change of clothes with me."

This will generate two answers. The first will be cautious: "Baby, where you're going, you won't need to worry about that", or "Happy days! Let’s go shopping." As there is a 60-40 chance of it going either way (in favour of the latter), I usually get a whole new outfit out of it or, at the very least, something to change into the following day courtesy of Victoria's Secret, La Perla or Coco De Mer if my client is of that persuasion. 

You mustn't misunderstand me; I don't leave my overnight bag at home on purpose, but it does tend to happen more frequently with clients who like to come into the fitting room "just to make sure it fits properly"!

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